The meaning of the symbol

  1. Samudra University has a round-shaped symbol which there is symbol of the Ministry of Education and Culture with a blue base color surrounded by ten yellow rencong pieces arranged to form a star, the arches connecting each top of the rencong form five dark green mosque minarets.
  2. The logo of Samudra University is a symbol that describes the Triqualities of Samudra University, namely the quality of faith, quality of knowledge, and quality of charity.
  3. The symbol of the Ministry of Education and Culture has a meaning as the basis for the philosophy of “Tut Wuri Handayani”.
  4. Ten shots of Aceh rencong have the meaning of expressing the value of courage, and heroism (heroism) in upholding justice and truth.
  5. The mosque tower consists of five peaks that have the meaning of Islamic nuances which are a way of life in the formation of human beings who are faithful, pious, and have a noble character in carrying out habluminallah and habluminannas.
  6. Stars have the meaning of light and light which emit enlightenment values in achieving the vision and aspirations of the struggle for education.
  7. The circle has the meaning of roundness and unity (holistic) contained in the symbol.
  8. White color with RGB color codes: 255; 255; 255 has the meaning of purity and sincerity.
  9. Dark Blue color with RGB color code: 0 ; 0; 255 has the meaning of firmness
  10. Dark Green Color with RGB color code: 0; 102 ; 0 has the meaning of fertility and prosperity
  11. Golden Yellow Color with RGB color code: 255; 153 ; 0 has the meaning of splendor and honesty